Here, now, is one such incident

This article was originally delivered as a lecture at the Art Gallery of Ontario as part of a series of talks and discussions which accompanied the exhibition “Dan Graham: Public/Private,” June 29-Septemper 25, 1994. The text, which is an excerpt of a longer version, retains the rhythm and, more importantly for the author for the author, some of the idiosyncrasies of the orginal oral presentation. You could say that my deployment of time here, tonight, is in part a response to what Graham has said about the “immediate image” – those are his words – and about the “neutral, “timeless”

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Spatiality or dimensionality

Visual Art Source Outpost Art Spatiality or dimensionality is the crux of this imaginative capacitation. The spatiality of Therrien’s art differs from the phenomenological inscription of the viewer in the work that was Minimalism’s signal achievement. Minimalism linked the sculptural object to its surroundings and made the experience of the work contingent on the shifting position of the spectator in real space. Minimalist space, however, was logical and geometrical and was bound by a positivist analytical outlook. Minimalism’s shortcomings were connected to its materialism and its deluded emulation of a scientific model of objectivity. It failed to speak to the

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Does the copyist invent?

The copyist, certainly, does not invent; he reproduces the lines and prospective colors of the model–it is the basic rule of the exercise–but to get there it is essential for him to rediscover the speed, the rhythm, and the original movements of the artist, in a word to follow in his footsteps and to empathize with him. He does not advance bit by bit, hesitantly, but by reconstructing with a faithfulness at once finicky and inspired the initial sequence of thoughts and emotions that gave rise to the work: as Wang Wei the Elder (415-443) wrote, “such paintings cannot be

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3 Interesting Things About Hokusai

Hokusai was young enough when one of his uncles adopted him with a dream that he will succeed in their family business. His uncle was working as a mirror polisher at that time in the house of the commander in chief. Right from the childhood, he was guided to perform his job perfectly so that he can lead a bright future by establishing a direct contact with the upper-class society. Although he started working with his uncle when he was only 6 years old, with time he developed a different passion towards artwork and ultimately started separating himself from his

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Marcel Broodthaers

Issu de l’aile revolutionnaire du surrealisme, Marcel Broodthaers avait occupe, dans la mouvance des evenements de mai 1968, le Palais des Beaux-arts de Bruxelles qui ne possedait a l’epoque aucune section consacree a l’art moderne. Depuis son entree dans le monde des arts visules en 1964, prenant acte de l’une des apories modernistes les plus difficiles a surmonter (a savoir que l’autonomie et la liberte dans le domaine de l’art, qui ont conduit les artistes a creer des oeuvres autoreflexives destinees essentiellement a l’appreciation esthetique, les ont aussi pousses a produire des objets qui n’echappaient pas, bien au contraire, au

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